Family Resources
Click on each title for more information
Scholarship Application
Tuition Assistance Subsidy program
Mountain Sprouts Behavior Guidance Philosophy
Nature Based School Readings and Information
Click the titles below for more information.
Teaching The Cedarsong Way: Lessons from an Award-Winning Forest Kindergarten from the Cedarsong Way
What is Nature Preschool? from Natural Start Alliance
Best Day Ever: Forest Kindergarten from Vermont PBS (video)
The Benefits of Nature Play for Children from
Learning in Nature: The Benefits by Rebecca Hosley
Nature-Based Education Outdoor Preschool Forest Kindergarten | Samara Early Learning Rachel Larimore (video)
What to wear to a nature based school
Students should be dressed for active and participatory play. Your child should wear sturdy, protective shoes which will enable them to run, climb, and explore nature with ease. Children are outside every day, so please dress your child appropriately. In the winter, hat and mittens are required accessories. Snow pants and insulated, waterproof boots are important whenever there is snow on the ground. Rain boots and raincoats are needed to explore when the environment is wet. Children should have a change of clothes with them at all times.
If you have difficulty finding or acquiring weather appropriate clothing, please let our staff know. We always have a supply on hand.
Link: How to Dress Your Kids for the Outdoors by REI.
It takes a Village!
Click the titles below to visit each organization’s webpage.
A Strong Start for Children: Free online developmental screenings through WA State.
Click here for the Parents and Guardians Registration Guide
Help Me Grow Central Washington: Free family resource navigator
Cascade School District Child Find: Free developmental screenings and/or special education evaluation.
Greater Wenatchee Valley Community Resource Directory
Upper Valley Mend: Food, housing, emergency assistance, healthcare, and low cost good including Das Thrift
211: free confidential community service and your one-stop connection to the local services you need, from utility assistance, food, housing, health, child care, after school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more.
Chelan Douglas Child Services Association Resource Directory