Outdoor, Nature-Based
The Willow program is licensed under the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families as an Outdoor, Nature-Based program (ONB). Student paperwork and program policies are specifically designed to meet the standards of these state requirements.
Mountain Sprouts is also an Early Achievers accredited program
Willow Preschool & Extension
Ages: 3 - 5 (preschool) & 5-7 years old (transitional kinder, kinder, and 1st)
Monday - Thursday; 2-, 3-, and 4- day enrollment options available
Hours: 8:45a - 12p, Preschool & 8:45a - 3:15p Extension
Many families pair Willow Extension with Home-Link or a homeschool program. The Cascade and Wenatchee School Districts offer amazing and supportive Home-Link programs with onsite classes. Check out their websites for more information.
Tuition, Scholarships and Financial Aid
Mountain Sprouts accepts the WA State Childcare Subsidy and maintains a scholarship program for families who do not qualify for the subsidy. For current tuition & fees, click here. Questions? email info@mtnsprouts.org